New BikeTrac Lite product announced

Dear dealer,

It gives us great pleasure to bring you the news of a new product, introducing BikeTrac Lite.

Following extensive conversations with many of you over the last few years, we made the decision to develop a new product for the market, primarily aimed at small capacity or lower value machines. The essence of BikeTrac Lite is to provide you with an alternative product at a lower price point, with its core aim being security.

As a result of this decision, it has also enabled us to develop new hardware too, bringing a significantly smaller unit to the market that offers even more opportunities for covert installation.

Much like our premium product, Lite takes all of the trusted tracking features, such as GPS and (RF) Radio Frequency technology, but is instead stripped back to be a simple fit-and-forget, cost effective alternative.

As a result of slimming down the services offered on Lite, we can pass this cost saving down to you, our dealers, which in turn we hope will see more riders adopt tracking as their chosen line of defense. We are very confident that Lite will add an additional revenue stream from customers who would have previously not considered a tracking product.

While our premium product still provides customers with one of the most feature-rich devices available, all customisable from their own app and web portal, BikeTrac Lite simply works silently in the background, with movement notifications sent via text and Push notification email, along with BikeTrac’s Secure Operating Centre available 24/7.

The recommended unit retail price of Lite will be £199, with subscription costs at £5.99 per month or annual fee of £60. Dealer margins remain strong, and we’re pleased to bring the renowned 0% finance product across too for you to use with customers. We’ll be officially launching this to customers at Motorcycle Live from December 4th 2021, but welcome any conversations about stocking etc with immediate effect.

Visit for more information from the 25/11 or contact Bill Taylor at or call 01327 317980.

We look forward to working with you all with this exciting new opportunity.

The BikeTrac team